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Plain Org v1.4 released

Plain Org v1.4 is now available on the App Store.

I was on a long flight recently 🦘, so I gave list and checkbox editing a little love. There's a couple of other minor improvements included.

If you haven't heard of Plain Org, it gives you access to org files on iPhone while away from your beloved Emacs.

I love org markup, but we (iPhone + org users) are a fairly niche bunch. If you're finding Plain Org useful, please help support this effort by getting the word out. Tell your friends, tweet, or blog about it.

On to v1.4 release notes…

Improved list/checkbox editing

Adding list or checkbox items is traditionally cumbersome via the iPhone's keyboard. This release adds new toolbar actions and smart return to simplify things.

Render form feed characters

Form feed characters are now rendered within expanded headings.

Note: There's a limitation. Form feed characters at the end of a heading aren't currently displayed.


Increased all button tap areas in edit toolbar. This should hopefully improve interaction.