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Video backlog

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Frank Ostaseski: "Inviting the Wisdom of Death into Life".

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} YouTube’s top creators are burning out (Hacker News).

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Donald Knuth Lectures - YouTube.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Rashomon by Akira Kurosawa.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Seeing spaces.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} An exclusive seminar with Julian Assange.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} The (Secret) City of London, Part 1: History.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} The (Secret) City of London, Part 2: History.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} The UK Gold.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Terra Plana - Learning the skill of barefoot running.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} The Science of Compassion ॐ Mata Amritanandamayi ॐ Documentary.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Rich Hickey Talks (clojure).

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Redux: The Single Immutable State Tree screencast.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Anders Hejlsberg and Lars Bak: TypeScript, JavaScript, and Dart.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} How To Travel… The Slow Hustle Way.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} 2015-12-10 Emacs Chat - John Wiegley.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} How To Order Salads From Inside Emacs.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} An introduction to Emacs Lisp.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} 12 Challenging Steps to Being a Better Interviewer – Cate Huston at The Lead Developer 2015.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Born Rich: Children Of The Insanely Wealthy.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Emacs for writers.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Frugal fire 002: justin mccurry (rootofgood).

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Graham Hancock – The War on Consciousness.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Griefwalker.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} How to win the loser's game.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} John Green's "Crash Course History" videos.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Matthieu Ricard Leads a Meditation on Altruistic Love and Compassion.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Matthieu Ricard: "Altruism" | Talks at Google.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Nick Hanauer – Rich People Don’t Create Jobs.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Programming is terrible — Lessons learned from a life wasted.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Rupert Sheldrake – The Science of Delusion.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Surya Namaskar stretches.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} The Emacs of distros.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} The Known Universe by AMNH.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Juliet Schor Iris Nights: Re-Thinking Materialism.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} The Internets own boy.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} BBC's secret of levitation.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Hold Fast.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} This is water, commencement speech.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} This is water.