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Emacs tips backlog

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Typit: typing game for Emacs.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} pyimports.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Sriram Krishnaswamy's init.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Using a Node repl in Emacs with nvm and npm.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} arview.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} company-flx: fuzzy matching to company.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Integration of the Go 'guru' analysis tool into Emacs.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} company-mode/company-statistics: Sort completion candidates by previous completion choices.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Rewrite git history with Emacs, magit and git rebase.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Code coverage highlighting for Emacs.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} tramp-theme.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} cstyle.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} A go Emacs config.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Try out ox-twbs.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Emacs Lisp function frequency.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} How to make yasnippet and company work nicer? (Stack Exchange).

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} yasnippet-java-mode/java-snippets.el.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} font-lock-studio.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} buttercup.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} markdown-preview-eww.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} ediff-revision and magit-find-file to compare branches.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Flycheck linter for sh using checkbashisms.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} El Kanban Org: parse org-mode todo-states to use org-tables as Kanban tables.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Emacs iOS development (qiita).

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Emacs iOS development (fujimisakari).

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} encrypting org files.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} flycheck-pos-tip.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Writing Python Docstrings with Emacs.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Try Completion for Objective-C (Github diff).

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Emacs fasd support.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} visual-regexp.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Open large files.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} company-sourcekit (Swift completion): sample config.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} emacs-java-imports.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} append-to-buffer.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} python-x: extras for interactive evaluation.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} outlined-elisp-mode.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} outlien-magic.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Gutter and linum+ config (see zvlex/dotfiles).

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} kurecolor: Editing color.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} auto-insert-mode.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Buffer local cursor color: ccc.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} clang indexing tool: clang-tags.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Create custom theme: Trường's post.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} dired-hacks.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} gtd emacs workflow: Charles cave's notes.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} emacs-index-search (lookup subject in Emacs manual).

[DONE]{.done .DONE} info-apropos (lookup subject in all manuals).

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Jumping around tips: zerokspot.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Mac OS clipboard support (from terminal): pbcopy.

OBSOLETE Malabar mode: For Java.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Melpa recipe format:format.

OBSOLETE Naturaldocs for javascript: Vineet's post.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Org protocol: see irreal's post and oremacs's part 1 and part 2.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} org-multiple-keymap. More at org-multiple-keymap.el.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} org-reveal: Export org to reveal.js.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Practice touch/speed typing: speedtype.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} private configuration: private.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} project management for C/C++: malinka.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Project templates: skeletor.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Rewrite git logs. See emacs magit tutorial | rewrite older commit.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Selective display: Hide lines longer than.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} shell-command-on-region: Print inline with C-u M-|.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} shell-command: Print output inline with C-u M-!.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Simplify media file transformations: make-it-so.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} yatemplate.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} emacs-helm-xcdoc.

OBSOLETE Drill down org files using orgnav (helm-based).

OBSOLETE Prettier emacs. (use reformatter.el.)

OBSOLETE Spaceline walkthrough.

OBSOLETE Try out emacs Android debug (see this post).

OBSOLETE quickrun.el.

OBSOLETE Emacs for JavaScript.

OBSOLETE go-gopath.

OBSOLETE shift-number.el.

OBSOLETE https://github.com/xuchunyang/DevDocs.el.

OBSOLETE select-themes.

OBSOLETE Emacs purpose.

OBSOLETE Why are you changing gc-cons-threshold?.


OBSOLETE xcode-mode.

OBSOLETE commenter.

OBSOLETE Emacs JavaScript helpers.

OBSOLETE yahoo-weather-mode.

OBSOLETE Peek at peteyy's Javascript config.

OBSOLETE import-js.

OBSOLETE ES6 yasnippets.

OBSOLETE swank-js.

OBSOLETE TypeScript Interactive Development Environment for Emacs.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Try out cquery, emacs-lsp, and company-lsp.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} (setq projectile-use-git-grep t). <2018-12-27 Thu>

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Is there any easy way to make .org files password protected? (Reddit).

[DONE]{.done .DONE} use-package binding to different maps

(use-package term
   ("M-p" . term-send-up)
   ("M-n" . term-send-down)
   :map term-raw-map
   ("M-o" . other-window)
   ("M-p" . term-send-up)
   ("M-n" . term-send-down)))

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Emacs qrencode.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Smartparens.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Hash region.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} helm-ispell.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Pack/unpack files with atool on dired.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} company-shell.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} artbollocks-mode and writegood. More at Sacha's post.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} comint-prompt-read-only for making shell prompts read-only.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} org-page: Static blog.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} I just realized Emacs has a fast infix calculator that's not calc or quick-calc… (Reddit).

[DONE]{.done .DONE} How to get emacs key bindings in Ubuntu.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} org-autolist.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Move up by parens: More at the manual.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} sunrise-sunset.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} ace-window.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Checkdoc.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Choose magit repo c-u c-x g (magit-status).

[DONE]{.done .DONE} continue comment blocks: m-j (indent-new-comment-line).

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Debug expanded elisp macros: See Wisdom and Wonder's post.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} delete-duplicate-lines

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Describe bindings: C-h b lists all bindings.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Disable furniture

(menu-bar-mode -1)
(toggle-scroll-bar -1)
(tool-bar-mode -1)

[DONE]{.done .DONE} elmacro shows keyboard as emacs lisp.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} yasnippet mirrors with transformations more at snippet development.

For example:

- (${1:id})${2:foo}
    return $2;

- (void)set${2:$(capitalize yas-text)}:($1)avalue
    [$2 autorelease];
    $2 = [avalue retain];

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Emacs regex: Emacs: text pattern matching (regex) tutorial.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} export ascii art: artist mode + ditaa for uml. demo video.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} lispy.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} minimal: minimalist appearance.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Narrowing regions

[DONE]{.done .DONE} nxml-mode.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} org-beautify-theme: a sub-theme to make org-mode more beautiful.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Recursive query/replace

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Repeat last command: C-x z (and just z threreafter).

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Replace char with a newline

[DONE]{.done .DONE} smart-mode-line, sacha's sample usage.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} Toggling key bingings: ode to the toggle.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} unify-opening

[DONE]{.done .DONE} use-package: lunaryorn.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} sunshine.el.

[DONE]{.done .DONE} youtube-dl: or emacs.