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Emacs lisp tips backlog

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Signal: a library offering enriched hook-like features.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Debugging tips.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Examples of Emacs modules.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} htop-like CPU and memory graphs for Emacs.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Timp: multithreading library.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Effortless Major Mode Development.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} cl-spark implementation of Zach Holman's spark and Gil Gonçalves' vspark with little extension.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} map.el for map-like collections built-in as of 25.1.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Standard library for key/value data structures.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Making Elisp regex look nicer.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Adapting code using the old defadvice.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} seq.el sequence library built-in as of 25.1.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Binding of parson JSON parser.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Helm-dash find-as-you-type.

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} Org mode - Parsing rich HTML directly when pasting? (Stack Overflow).

[TODO]{.todo .TODO} From @_wilfredh, use (interactive "*") for commands that edit the buffer, so they show a helpful error if the buffer is read only.