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Cycling through window layouts (revisited)

Last year, I wrote a little script to cycle through window layouts via Hammerspoon. The cycling set I chose didn't stick, so here's another go.

function reframeFocusedWindow()
   local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
   local maximizedFrame = win:screen():frame()
   maximizedFrame.x = maximizedFrame.x + 15
   maximizedFrame.y = maximizedFrame.y + 15
   maximizedFrame.w = maximizedFrame.w - 30
   maximizedFrame.h = maximizedFrame.h - 30

   local leftFrame = win:screen():frame()
   leftFrame.x = leftFrame.x + 15
   leftFrame.y = leftFrame.y + 15
   leftFrame.w = leftFrame.w / 2 - 15
   leftFrame.h = leftFrame.h - 30

   local rightFrame = win:screen():frame()
   rightFrame.x = rightFrame.w / 2
   rightFrame.y = rightFrame.y + 15
   rightFrame.w = rightFrame.w / 2 - 15
   rightFrame.h = rightFrame.h - 30

   if win:frame() == maximizedFrame then

   if win:frame() == leftFrame then


hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "F", reframeFocusedWindow)

Looping through layouts is done with a global key-binding of option f or, if familiar with a macOS keyboard, ⌥ f.

For those unfamiliar with Hammerspoon… If you're a tinkerer and a macOS user, you'd love Hammerspoon. Like elisp gluing all things Emacs, Hammerspoon uses Lua to glue all things macOS. For example, here's a stint at writing a narrowing utility for macOS using chooser.