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Compound interest calculations

Saving Tony Bedford's python snippets for calculating compound interest. Really just an excuse to fire up Emacs and play with org babel.

t = 20 # years
r = 0.07 # rate
pv = 200000.00 # present value
fv = pv * (1+r)**t # future value
print("Pension of %.2f at %d%% will be worth %.2f in %d years" % (pv, 100 * r, fv, t))
Pension of 200000.00 at 7% will be worth 773936.89 in 20 years
t = 20 # years
r = 0.07 # rate
pv = 200000.00 # present value
n = 1
fv = pv * (1 + r/n)**(n*t) # future value
print ("First formula calculates final value to: %.2f" % fv)

fv = pv * (1 + r/n)**(n*1) # year 1 only
print("Year %d: %.2f" % (1, fv))
for i in range (2, t+1):
    fv = fv * (1 + r/n)**(n*1) # Calculate one year at a time
    print("Year %d: %.2f" % (i, fv))
First formula calculates final value to: 773936.89
Year 1: 214000.00
Year 2: 228980.00
Year 3: 245008.60
Year 4: 262159.20
Year 5: 280510.35
Year 6: 300146.07
Year 7: 321156.30
Year 8: 343637.24
Year 9: 367691.84
Year 10: 393430.27
Year 11: 420970.39
Year 12: 450438.32
Year 13: 481969.00
Year 14: 515706.83
Year 15: 551806.31
Year 16: 590432.75
Year 17: 631763.04
Year 18: 675986.46
Year 19: 723305.51
Year 20: 773936.89