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Change Emacs shell's CWD with helm projectile

If using Emacs shell and helm projectile, you can wire these up to quickly change your current working directory.

(require 'helm-projectile)

(defun ar/shell-cd (dir-path)
"Like shell-pop--cd-to-cwd-shell, but without recentering."
  (unless (string-equal mode-name "Shell")
    (error "Not in Shell mode"))
  (message mode-name)
  (goto-char (point-max))
  (insert (concat "cd " (shell-quote-argument dir-path)))
  (let ((comint-process-echoes t))

(defun ar/helm-projectile-shell-cd ()
  "Change shell current working directory using helm projectile."
  (unless (string-equal mode-name "Shell")
    (error "Not in Shell mode"))
  (let ((helm-dir-source (copy-tree  helm-source-projectile-directories-list)))
    (add-to-list 'helm-dir-source '(action . ar/shell-cd))
    (add-to-list 'helm-dir-source '(keymap . nil))
    (add-to-list 'helm-dir-source '(header-line . "cd to directory..."))
    (helm :sources helm-dir-source
          :buffer "*helm-dirs*"
          :candidate-number-limit 10000)))