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the rantings of a sysadmin going slowly mad...

Conservative ridings in Nova Scotia get more funding.

Employee whiners

Canada Blood Services changes policy on the 2SLGBTQ+ community

The CRA dance

FISA just keeps on giving

The cycle

Nova Scotia has highest poverty rate in Canada

A second Boeing whistleblower has died

Forcing a vote on the capital gains inclusion

Conservatives kicked out of House of Commons

14 year olds charged in murder

Reasonable neighbours

Ontario curtailing mobile phone use at schools

AI priest gets defrocked

Ongoing list of Boeing incidents.

Apple forced logouts

Secret missiles

Net neutrality is back, baby!

Constrained by a human range of motion

Capital gains tax history

Saskatchewanians to receive carbon credits after all

Quebec’s eclipse eye damage

Canada Post doesn’t want to collect guns

The bag problem

Poisoned Apple

Tim Hortons boat snafu

Nova Scotia Justice Minister resigns


Moving email providers

Unlimited Gs

The Nova Scotia affordability myth

Israel strikes Iran (and helps Ukraine?)

Disappearing shrimp

Mother f*in snakes on a train

UK Phishing As A Service site taken down.

Arrests made in $20 million (with an M) heist

Double double and a Hawaiian, please.

Crypto currency reporting in Canada

More virtual healthcare

The tax man cometh

Why are banks so sociopathic?

Zero calorie food

The Shag Harbour UFO Incident

Nova Scotia Guard